
So, you are new to plug and would like some informations about it ? Do not search any longer ! This page should have all the answers you are looking for !
I will cover the basics, for detailed informations, check out the official FAQ.

What is ? is a website where you can share music from Youtube or Soundcloud with other people in "communities", each community has it's own rules and staff (more on that later).
Plug is mostly free but you can pay to access unique content. I won't talk about it much because they have changed how this works a lot in the past.
You can talk to other "pluggers" trough a chat, which is pretty convenient to connect with people who share to same musical taste as you. I have made very good friends on plug myself ;)

You said communities ?

Communities (or "rooms") are where the magic of plug happens, if we all were in the same place, we couldn't listen to the genre we want everytime.
You can create your own room or join one, they also can be private, that's neet when you don't want to be bothered.
Each room have a creator so called "host". He decides what will be the rules specific to the room, like wich genres are allowed, how long can music be and basicly, he rules everything (literaly).
But when the lord is away, it would be nice if someone else could manage the kingdom isn't it ? "Wait a minute, manage... What about managers ?!!" That's probably what went in the head of plug's developers when they made ranks.
Ranks are there to help maintain the order, they are a total of 8 :

  1. Admin
  2. Brand Ambassador
  3. Host
  4. Co-host
  5. Manager
  6. Bouncer
  7. Resident DJ
  8. User

In grey are room ranks. Both Admins and Brand-Ambassadors can manage every community on plug.


To represent yourself on plug, you have the ability to choose from a wide variety of avatars, some cost real money.


Almost the same as avatars, they are here to represent yourself but in the chat.


Levels can unlock different things, I have made researchs and found that you get XP every day for about 6 hours, all you need to do is login once per day and play music.
You can see the Sheet Google where I log the results of this research.

Plug Points (pp)

Plug points are the site's virtual money, you can buy avatars, badge and change name with it. If you are subscribed, you can also gift PP to others.